( friday i'm in love: summer )

summer is here!

i hope your weekend is full of jumping / swimming / laughing / hot hot heat.

the hot months are for wearing as little as possible, and finding just the right outfit for heat survival.

i LOVE the beautiful children's store Advice From a Caterpillar in summerhill.

the entire store is like a dream / fantasy / fairytale of awesome.

one of my favourite outfits my daughter has ever worn is the one pictured above by Nico Nico and purchased at Advice From a Caterpillar.   i mean, just look at how happy she is?!

if you are looking for just the right pieces for your child's summer wardrobe... www.advicefromacaterpillar.ca

you have to see it in person... 8 price street, toronto!

( taking flight )

life is an ocean, a tide that comes in and goes out, but always returns.

ebb / flow.

my sweet scarlett... my daughter... you are a beautiful gift to me.  you inspire me, question me, push away from me, ask of me to become a better woman everyday.  thank you for being mine, yet truly yours.

these photographs were taken in italy this summer... scarlett exploring, imagining, creating a world of her own.  what a blessing to watch her take flight.