( taking flight )

life is an ocean, a tide that comes in and goes out, but always returns.

ebb / flow.

my sweet scarlett... my daughter... you are a beautiful gift to me.  you inspire me, question me, push away from me, ask of me to become a better woman everyday.  thank you for being mine, yet truly yours.

these photographs were taken in italy this summer... scarlett exploring, imagining, creating a world of her own.  what a blessing to watch her take flight. 

( gold in them hills )


"i know it doesn't seem that way, but maybe it's the perfect day, even though the bills are piling, and maybe lady luck ain't smiling.

but if we'd only open our eyes, we'd see the blessings in disguise, that all the rain clouds are fountains, though our troubles seem like mountains.

there's gold in them hills.  there's gold in them hills.  so don't lose heart.  give the day a chance to start.

every now and then life says, where do you think you're going so fast, we're apt to think it cruel but sometimes, it's a case of cruel to be kind.

and if we'd get up off our knees, why then we'd see the forest for the trees, and we'd see the new sun rising, over the hills on the horizon.

there's gold in them hills. there's gold in them hills.  so don't lose faith.  give the world a chance to say...

a word or two, my friend, there's no telling how the day might end, and we'll never know until we see, that there's gold in them hills.

there's gold in them hills.  so don't lose heart.  give the day a chance to start.

there's gold in them hills.  there's gold in them hills."

Ron Sexmith (my favourite rendition of this song can be listened to & purchased by clicking here)