at dusk with teddy

snuggles... before sleep wraps itself around you and takes you to dreamland.  possibly my favourite time of day with this delicious boy.  on sunday scarlett turns 8.  where has all of that time gone? savouring what i can while i can before they leave the nest.  so many beautiful stories to share with you... part two from erin & jonathan's wedding first... and then so many more delicious things i've been working on.  coming up... next week.

follow me on instagram for daily updates:  rebecca_wood


( portrait: max )

rarely am i without words ;)  but the gentle kiss, inhale of baby's scent, caress... between a mother & her child does leave me speechless.  the tenderness between two human beings is never more powerful or honest then a parent & their child.  if we could extend a fraction of that to our fellow neighbour, the person driving the car infront of us, the cashier, every single person who crosses our path...  how much more pleasant and happy our days would be.  i pledge to stay soft, to try tenderness first.  join me?